History Event: 'Taxi Driver' Movie Screening & Kim Seon-gu Activist Talk-Concert

On June 16, the International Strategy Center held the ‘Korea's Road To Democracy’ event, where we watched the movie Taxi Driver, which depicts the May 18the Gwangju Democratization Uprising. We listened to stories and songs about the 5/18 Gwangju Uprising by activist Kim Seon-gu’s, who experienced the Gwangju Democratization Movement as a child. Kim Seon-gu was born in Gwangju in 1972 and witnessed the Gwangju Democratic Uprising at age eight. Since then, he’s lived in Gwangju for 30 years and has been involved in the student movement and performance art communities. After that, he went to Seoul to continue his artistic activities, and now he works as an artivist in the socially-engaged performance collective, Maru.