[Progressive Forum] Afghanistan: Yesterday, Today, Tomorrow


On October 7th, at 7pm, the International Strategy Center welcomed Vijay Prashad to the Progressive Forum monthly series. Vijay Prashad -- author, journalist, international solidarity activist, and director of the Tricontinental Institute for Social Research -- educated and engaged with us about Afghanistan's past, present, and future.

We are grateful to Vijay Prashad, who joined us early in the morning from Santiago, Chile on the other side of the globe. He passionately shared a comprehensive view on Afghanistan centered on Afghan self determination and their role in making history -- something that has been missing from mainstream media coverage. Also we would like to thank the 30+ participants for their interest and active engagement.

It's a story about Afghanistan that most never hear. When confronted with the fact that under years of US oversight, "50% of Afghans live in poverty, 70% of them don't have access to electricity, and only 1% have been vaccinated. What is the question we have to ask now?...Who is the real barbarian?"

More details of yesterday's Progressive Forum will be shared soon through an article and video.