ISC This Month


Report Back of 2015 Delegation to Venezuela and National Assembly Elections ObserversOn December 19th, the ISC held a Venezuela report back. First, four members of the 13 day delegation to Venezuela presented their impressions and thoughts on a Bolivarian Revolution taking place amidst low oil prices and an economic war. In particular, their presentations focused on: Venezuela’s national independence heroes and socialist cities; Venezuela’s organized young people; the building of community councils and communes; and the celebration around the 500-year anniversary of Cumana. For most, this was their first time in Venezuela, a distant land and culture. But after 13 days, when they departed Venezuela, they left behind loved ones that had inspired transformation and energized them for the work that lay ahead in Korea.

Secondly, the international observers for the December 6 National Assembly elections presented about the elections. It was the first time members of Korea’s civil society were invited as international observers. They shared their thoughts and impressions about the process from preparation of the voting booths and machines to the ballot-counting. The Venezuelan government opened its voting process to international observers as proof of their fair and transparent elections amidst attacks from the imperialist media.

Finally, the first secretary and councillor from the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela’s Embassy in the Republic of Korea analyzed the National Assembly election victory for the opposition party and the foreign political and media attacks against Venezuela’s revolutionary process.

The report back was held in Korean, English and Spanish with consecutive and simultaneous interpretation. Rather than a barrier, the difference in languages became an opportunity for exchange and sharing between various people.  

End of the Year Party  

isc this month

After the Venezuela Report Back, the ISC had its End of the Year Party with all those who helped make the ISC in 2015. In addition to celebrating our joint work, people had a chance to greet and mingle with each other. Director Haesook Kim presented ISC’s 2015 activities on: internal strengthening, domestic and international solidarity work, various small groups, political exposure trips, and World Current Report. We also shared a video made with photographs of our activities and participants in 2015. Then we had a sharing activity, where people wrote up headlines for news that they hoped would be realized in 2016.

In 2015, the ISC gathered to study from one another, plant seeds and share the joy of harvest. We produced and shared monthly World Current Reports to inform people of domestic and international issues. We worked hard to practice solidarity. It was all possible because of those that proved that our vision for society is not created by one hero but by people moved by solidarity. We hope people can continue to support our activities in 2016 as well.